Created by:Alice Martin
The article title is: Life Lessons from the Skies to the Heart

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari- Robin Sharma
More than just a book, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” explores spirituality in a way that is navigational- like a toolkit you need for any of life’s challenges you may face; gently nudging to give you a life all of us desire. Told as a fable, the story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer who abandons his most prized possessions and energetic lifestyle to something a bit slower paced: a trip to the Himalayas to try and discover his true belonging. Rich with lessons, this book is truly inspiring for those who are seeking for the deeper meaning of life.
What I admired most about this book was that it didn’t push the dogmata of religious systems of any kind, it was all about the universal understandings that resonated across all beliefs and how they are somehow interconnected. Sharma uses Julian’s transformation as a metaphor to illustrate the importance of practices like mindfulness, intentional living, and gratitude- you are the eye of the storm; find peace amid the chaos that surrounds you.
Overall, the simple message that is woven into every single page: take care of your outer world, your inner world will thank you for it. This is a message that feels relevant for those too overwhelmed by the relentless pace of modern life. Of course, some of the messages and advice may feel a tad too idealistic for some, but those who strive for open-mindedness may thoroughly enjoy this read.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull- Richard Bach
A timeless spiritual gem wrapped amongst the most unexpected of things, a seagull who is not like the rest. Richard Bach’s novella is plentiful with poetic expression, exploring the themes of freedom and the existential question that we all ask, Is there a higher power? Is there something bigger than us? This book is an absolute must-read for those who are turning to spirituality for guidance and support.
The story follows the life of Jonathan, a gull who isn’t so content with the mundane, repetitive livelihood of his flock. While the other members of the flock focus on the sole purpose of survival, Jonathan is passionate about his pursual of the gift of flight- pushing and exceeding the limits, exploring new heights that he thought weren’t within his reach, but most important of all, uncovering his deeper truth. His journey is symbolic as he explores his inner faith, his individuality, and self-doubt; ultimately this is a tale that will inspire others to question their own boundaries and consider the possibility of greater life’s purpose.
Bach’s prose is so beautifully written, I would even say it felt meditative, allowing the stories message of spirituality to shine. At its heart, Jonathan Livingston Seagull lives up to its message that life is more than mere existence, it is a constant reminder to keep soaring even when the path feels lonely.